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GleamShard is on a mission to combine digital rights management with blockchain technology. But what makes us different?

NFTs and their use case

Blockchain technology and NFTs offer something revolutionary: Decentralized economic ecosystems that eliminate the need for centralized control. Unfortunately, in recent years, the blockchain, NFT, and crypto spheres have seen a lot of fraud and speculation, leading to a massive hype, the subsequent bursting of the bubble, and the resulting loss of public trust. However, the technology itself is legitimate and promises to increase freedom and reduce the power of the gatekeepers. That is why we have decided to launch our project now, even though the time may not be right: We are working to deliver on the promise of self-organization that blockchain technology originally offered, and to create a serious and reputable platform.

NFTs made easy

Buying NFTs with fiat currency! Yes, you will still need to create a wallet, but we will walk you through every step of the process. However, you won't need to buy crypto.

NFTs to buy and rent

Not ready to buy a piece? Would you rather try out new pieces all the time? We offer both options – you can either buy or rent NFTs. To ensure the longevity of the works, we also use the IPFS (Interplanetary File System) and StorJ, which means you can take your NFTs with you to the Mars colony when settlement finally commences.

NFTs with a watermark

Our NFTs have an invisible AI-based watermark. This means they can still be copied, but ownership is very easy to prove. Currently, most (often quite expensive) licensing services offer invisible watermarks that can be easily destroyed by certain AI-based methods. Our method, however, actually uses AI and creates a way to uniquely prove ownership. Best of all, licensing through us is very affordable.

NFTs and respect for creators

We know how important it is to show our artists the appreciation they deserve. Therefore we will feature them in spotlights, blog posts, and other media. We also plan on working together with professional curators.

NFTs and community

We want to be a platform where creators and patrons can come together and actually form a community. Think about a new kind of patronage. For example, there will be a chat feature and artists will be able to curate their community.

NFTs and physical products

We want to bring digital art into real life! Too many beautiful art works lie hidden in crypto wallets. How about digital picture frames to display them in your living room or your business premises? How about wearing high quality smart jewelry capable of displaying those art works?

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